Long lead times for elective procedures like joint operations offer a good opportunity for doctors to encourage their patients to quit smoking, but only the smoker has the power to stop smoking. Before a smoker decides to quit, he should make sure he wants to quit smoking for himself, and not for other people.
One should decide a quit smoking plan for himself and should follow it strictly. Here are certain points to be considered:
* smoke only in certain places, preferably outdoors
* switch to a brand of cigarettes that you don't like
* do not buy cigarettes by the carton
* cut coffee consumption in half (You will not need to give it up.)
* practice putting off lighting up when the urge strikes
* go for a walk every day or begin an exercise program
* stock up on non-fattening safe snacks to help with weight control after quitting
* enlist the support of family and friends
* clean and put away all ashtrays the day before quitting
Smokers who are trying to follow their quit smoking plan should remind themselves that they are doing the smartest thing they have ever done. Because of the preparation for smoking cessation, the smoker won't be surprised or fearful about their quit smoking plan. The quitter will be willing to do what's necessary, even though it won't be easy. Remember, this will likely add years to the lifespan. The quitting smoker should be prepared to spend more time with nonsmoking friends, if other smokers don't support the attempt to quit.
One should decide a quit smoking plan for himself and should follow it strictly. Here are certain points to be considered:
* smoke only in certain places, preferably outdoors
* switch to a brand of cigarettes that you don't like
* do not buy cigarettes by the carton
* cut coffee consumption in half (You will not need to give it up.)
* practice putting off lighting up when the urge strikes
* go for a walk every day or begin an exercise program
* stock up on non-fattening safe snacks to help with weight control after quitting
* enlist the support of family and friends
* clean and put away all ashtrays the day before quitting
Smokers who are trying to follow their quit smoking plan should remind themselves that they are doing the smartest thing they have ever done. Because of the preparation for smoking cessation, the smoker won't be surprised or fearful about their quit smoking plan. The quitter will be willing to do what's necessary, even though it won't be easy. Remember, this will likely add years to the lifespan. The quitting smoker should be prepared to spend more time with nonsmoking friends, if other smokers don't support the attempt to quit.