Stop Smoking

Ultimate quit-smoking system successful to create simplest & safest way to stop smoking forever and enjoy the wonderful freedom of becoming a non-smoker at long last.

Smoking cigarette can lead you to acquire many form of diseases, it can also be very helpful in decreasing your life span. So the right way to quit your smoking habit is to follow stop smoking programs which can at slow pace help you quit your smoking habit. Some of the successful stop smoking programs as listed below:

Acupuncture—small needles or springs are inserted into the skin—is an aid in smoking cessation. The needles or springs are sometimes left in the ears and touched lightly by the patient between visits.

Hypnosis- As a smoker struggles to stop smoking, the conscious mind, deciding to quit, battles the inner mind, which is governed by habit and body chemistry. Hypnosis, by talking directly to the inner mind, can help to resolve that inner battle.

Aversion techniques attempt to make smoking seem unpleasant. This technique reminds the person of the distasteful aspects of smoking, such as the smell, dirty ashtrays, coughing, the high cost, and health issues.

Cold turkey, or an abrupt cessation of nicotine, is one pf the quit smoking methods. Cold turkey can provide cost savings because paraphernalia and smoking cessation aids are not required; however, not everyone can stop this way as tremendous willpower is needed.
Laser therapy is an entirely safe and pain-free form of acupuncture that has been in use since the 1980s. Using a painless soft laser beam instead of needles the laser beam is applied to specific energy points on the body, stimulating production of endorphins. These natural body chemicals produce a calming, relaxing effect. It is the sudden drop in endorphin levels that leads to withdrawal symptoms and physical cravings when a person stops smoking. Laser treatment not only helps relieve these cravings, but helps with stress reduction and lung detoxification. Some studies indicate that laser therapy is the most effective of the quit smoking methods with an extraordinarily high success rate.

Long lead times for elective procedures like joint operations offer a good opportunity for doctors to encourage their patients to quit smoking, but only the smoker has the power to stop smoking. Before a smoker decides to quit, he should make sure he wants to quit smoking for himself, and not for other people.
One should decide a quit smoking plan for himself and should follow it strictly. Here are certain points to be considered:

    * smoke only in certain places, preferably outdoors
    * switch to a brand of cigarettes that you don't like
    * do not buy cigarettes by the carton
    * cut coffee consumption in half (You will not need to give it up.)
    * practice putting off lighting up when the urge strikes
    * go for a walk every day or begin an exercise program
    * stock up on non-fattening safe snacks to help with weight control after quitting
    * enlist the support of family and friends
    * clean and put away all ashtrays the day before quitting

Smokers who are trying to follow their quit smoking plan should remind themselves that they are doing the smartest thing they have ever done. Because of the preparation for smoking cessation, the smoker won't be surprised or fearful about their quit smoking plan. The quitter will be willing to do what's necessary, even though it won't be easy. Remember, this will likely add years to the lifespan. The quitting smoker should be prepared to spend more time with nonsmoking friends, if other smokers don't support the attempt to quit.

Modern research shows that nicotine present in cigarettes acts on the brain to produce a number of effects. Various quit smoking programs have been developed to educate people for quitting smoking because its addictive nature has been found to show that nicotine activates reward pathways—the circuitry within the brain that regulates feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Nicotine acts as both a stimulant and a depressant on the body. Saliva and bronchial secretions increase along with bowel tone. Some inexperienced smokers may experience tremors or even convulsions with high doses of nicotine because of the stimulation of the central nervous system. The respiratory muscles are then depressed following stimulation.
One should strictly follow quit smoking programs as sweating, nausea, and diarrhea may also increase because of the effects of smoking cigarettes upon the central nervous system. Hormonal activities of the body are also affected. Smoking cigarettes elevates the blood glucose levels and increases insulin production; it can also lead to blood clots. Smoking's addictive potential is believed to be comparable to alcohol, cocaine and morphine.

Stop Smoking Programs are very effective way of quitting smoking (smoking cessation). There are many benefits of stop smoking programs; not the least is that smoking cessation may speed post-surgery recovery. Smoking cessation helps a person heal and recover faster, especially in the incision area, or if the surgery involved any bones. Research shows that patients who underwent hip and knee replacements, or surgery on other bone joints, healed better and recovered more quickly if they had quit or cut down their tobacco intake several weeks before the operation. Smoking weakens the bone mineral that keeps the skeleton strong and undermines tissue and vessel health.
One study suggested that even quitting tobacco for a few days could improve tissue blood flow and oxygenation, and might have a positive effect on wound healing. If a patient has had a history of heart problems, his chances of having a second heart attack will be lowered. Stop Smoking Programs may also reduce wound complications, and lower the risk of cardiovascular trouble after surgery. If surgery was performed to remove cancerous tumors, quitting will reduce the risk of a second tumor, especially if cancer in the lung, head, or neck has been successfully treated.

Stop Smoking(Smoking cessation) means "to quit smoking," or "withdrawal from nicotine." Because smoking is highly addictive, quitting the habit often involves irritability, headache, mood swings, and cravings associated with the sudden cessation or reduction of tobacco use by a nicotine-dependent individual.

Stop smoking is one of the best things a person can do to increase their life expectancy. On average, male smokers who quit at 35 years old can be expected to live to be 76 years old instead of 69 years if they were still smoking. Women who quit would live to be 80 years old instead of 74 years.

Cigarettes.... one of the most addictive and destructive, over the counter drugs known to modern man. One of the few legal substances available in stores that can injure or kill when used as intended. Most rational people know this as a fact, yet many continue to smoke and are not ready to follow any stop smoking campaign. Some smokers who know, deep in their hearts, they want to quit. Others are quite content to keep on puffing because they think they enjoy it so much.

Cigarette smokers are just as much an addict as someone hooked on crack, cocaine, morphine or heroin. The folks that say they don't want to follow any stop smoking campaign, because of the pleasure they derive from smoking, are not really speaking for themselves. It is their addiction speaking for them.

You trying to quit smoking cigarette may feel like you're on a roller coaster during the first couple of weeks. You'll have good days and you'll have bad days. Whether you use a quit smoking cigarette aid of some sort or go cold turkey, you're going to feel a certain amount of withdrawal from nicotine. It's no secret that smoking is detrimental to your health; so it's probably no surprise. Smoking has been linked to an increased risk for many cancers, heart disease, emphysema, and a number of other health problems. The toxins contained in cigarettes take their toll not only on your lungs, but on your entire body's health, including your reproductive system.

Some people have more trouble with the first week, and others with the second while trying to quit smoking cigarette, but the good news is that for most quitters, the worst of physical withdrawal from nicotine is over within the first month of smoking cessation.

Quitting smoking is the action leading towards the discontinuation of the consumption of a smoked substance, mainly tobacco. But one of the main question arises why to stop smoking cigarette.

The main reason why one should stop smoking cigarette are its contents.

Cigarette contents are:

1. NICOTINE--We all know that cigarettes contain nicotine that enters the blood stream and reaches the brain in 10 seconds after it is inhaled.

2. CARCINOGENS- causes cancer that leads to multiple growth of cells in major organs of the body.

3. CARBON MONOXIDE- enters the blood stream and cause depletion of oxygen in red blood cells.

Other reasons why one should stop smoking are:-

Tobacco Epidemic Death Toll:

100 million dead in the 20th century

Currently 5.4 million deaths every year

Unless urgent action is taken:

By 2030, there will be more than 8 million deaths every year

By 2030, more than 80% of tobacco deaths will be in developing countries

One billion estimated deaths during the 21st century

Smoking cigarettes is an addiction, both physical and psychological. It shortens your life span. Each cigarette reduces your life by 11 minutes. Quitting Smoking may seem scary at first, but there are many health, social and financial benefits to kicking the habit.

Smoking triggers the urge to smoke more leading to addiction. It is our own actions and psychologies that make us reach for another cigarette in our pocket. If you are angry and frustrated you tend to smoke more, as you feel relaxed. On the contrary some people smoke more when they are excited about something. For most of the smokers it is mandatory to smoke before they get out of their beds and after they finish their meals. Every individual has his own conditions for smoking. Once you fall into the trap it gets difficult to find a way out. It’s a maze wherein you curb your urge at one end but fail to do so at other and the fight of quitting smoking starts all over again.

Information is the key to helping smokers understand the effects of smoking, why they smoke, and how they can quit smoking.
Smoking can be addictive which encompasses psychological and biological addiction. Quit smoking (or Smoking cessation) is the action leading towards the discontinuation of the consumption of a smoked substance, mainly tobacco, but it may encompass cannabis and other substances as well. For tobacco, nicotine-based therapies, certain medications like buproprion , and psychological and behavioral therapy are frequently used to improve success rates of cessation if substance withdrawal is not effective in ending an addiction.

For more information, please visit:

Can you imagine yourself stop smoking someday? What would your life be like without a cigarette every single day for rest of your life? We guarantee, your life would be amazing.
Countless people mention stress as main smoking trigger and the number one cause why they started smoking again after stop smoking. Our System tackles stress from a number of angles giving you all the supports to cope up with stress in a positive healthy way. We have developed an effective method to stop smoking addiction - we call it 7 Day Quit Plan System.

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